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restore system中文是什么意思

用"restore system"造句"restore system"怎么读"restore system" in a sentence


  • 使系统复原


  • Backing up and restoring system databases
  • Describes how to protect your data against hardware failure by using the sql server backup and restore system
    说明了如何通过sql server备份和还原系统保护数据免遭硬件故障的破坏。
  • Malware incidents can cause extensive damage and disruption to a network , and they require costly efforts to restore system security and user confidence
  • Contains an introduction to restore scenarios as they are supported under the simple recovery model and the full bulk - logged recovery models , as well as a description of how restore and backup recovery work , and overviews of the restore system tables and the restore statement
  • Under the environment of skin restoring system and the process of disposal ct data , this thesis brings forward new methods on surface reconstruction , surface smoothing and surface editing and therefore researches on it . the outcomes of putting these new methods into practice prove that these methods are of great value
用"restore system"造句  
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